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5 December, 2015

9:00 - 9:05 Opening Remarks
9:05 - 11:40 Session I : Adhesions & Cytoskeletons
Tight junction proteins ? out of tight junctions
Werner Franke German Cancer Research Center, Germany
Claudin-based Tight Junction (TJ)-Apical Complex as an Organizer of Biological Systems
Sachiko Tsukita Osaka University, Japan
Self-organization of actomyosin cytoskeleton
Alexander Bershadsky Mechanobiology Institute, Singapore
Molecular organization of epithelial tricellular junctions
Mikio Furuse National Institute for Physiological Sciences, Japan
Mechanobiology of the cadherin-catenin complex
James Nelson Stanford University, USA
11:40 - 13:00 Lunch, Poster Session
13:00 - 15:35 Session II : Development & Polarity
How does a one-dimensional (1-D) sequence of DNA become a 3-D tissue?
Mina Bissell Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA
Dynamic aspects of epithelial polarity: microtubule-dependent processes
Masatoshi Takeichi RIKEN CDB, Japan
Roles of lipids in the formation of membrane structures in epithelial cells
Junichi Ikenouchi Kyushu University, Japan
Implication of Arl4c expression in tubulogenesis and tumorigenesis
Akira Kikuchi Osaka University, Japan
Cilia in left-right symmetry breaking
Hiroshi Hamada Osaka University / RIKEN CDB, Japan
On growth and form: from macromolecular assemblies to multicellular tissues
L. Mahadevan Harvard University
15:45 - 17:35 Session III : Membrane Trafficking
Mechanisms of collagen secretion from the endoplasmic reticulum
Kota Saito University of Tokyo, Japan
Mechanism of unconventional protein secretion
Vivek Malhotra Centre for Genomic Regulation, Spain
Super-resolution live imaging approach to understanding molecular mechanisms of membrane traffic
Akihiko Nakano University of Tokyo / REKEN RAP, Japan
Sorting out membrane traffic in the endocytic pathway
Scott Emr Cornel University, USA
17:45 - 18:50 Special Lecture by the prize Laureate
Looking back on my 27 years of autophagy research
Yoshinori Ohsumi Tokyo Institute of Technology
18:50 - 18:55 Conclusion of the day

6 December, 2015

9:00 - 12:20 Session IV : Imaging & Mathematics
Physical forces driving collective cell migration and invasion
Xavier Trepat Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia, Spain
Dynamic molecular organization and self-reorganization of the cytoskeletons
Naoki Watanabe Kyoto University, Japan
Modeling alignment of cilia in apical membrane of multi-ciliated cell
Shuji Ishihara Meiji University, Japan
Morphogenesis of epithelial tissue: from cell division to tissue shape
Yohanns Bellaïche Institut Curie, France
Population dynamics of the sperm stem cells and its regulation in the mouse testis
Shosei Yoshida National Institute for Basic Biology, Japan
Mechanism and Reconstitution In Vitro of Germ Cell Development in Mammals
Michinori Saitou Kyoto University, Japan
Symmetry breaking in mouse development
Takashi Hiiragi European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Germany
13:40 - 14:50 Session V : Shoichiro Tsukita's Legacy, 10 Years On
Werner Franke German Cancer Research Center, Germany
Structural physiology of cell adhesive channels
Yoshinori Fujiyoshi CeSPI, Nagoya University, Japan
Mina Bissell Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA
14:50 - 15:00 Closing Remarks